Please have a look on my activities over the last years
2023 - Today
Senior Development Consultant Firmware
Cairdac SA
Paris / France
Development of firmware for a novel, fully implanted pacemaker
2023 - Today
2014 - Today
Senior Development Consultant Hardware / Firmware / Software
Sequana Medical AG
Zurich / Switzerland
Development of hardware, firmware and applications for an active implant treating ascites in case of severe liver failure.
Support for US approval
2017 - Today
Senior Development Consultant Hardware / Firmware / Software
Axon Systems GmbH
Munich / Germany
Development of hardware, firmware and application test software for measurement devices located in cars.
2017 - Today
2019 - 2023
Senior Development Consultant Firmware / Software
Munich / Germany
Development of firmware and test software for an extracorporal heart pump.
Development of firmware and test software for a medical diagnostic device.
2019 - 2023
Senior Development Consultant Hardware / Firmware / Software
Syntach AB
Lund / Sweden
Development of hardware, firmware and application software for a fully implanted heart assist device
2019 - 2023
2007 - 2019
CTO / Project Management / Development
Development and management of the development & quality & regulatory department,
Monitoring of all development activities and project management,
Technical Company representative towards customers, investors and suppliers
2014 - 2018
CEO / Founder / Shareholder
Ingenio Solutions GmbH
Development, production and sales of innovative products in the field of medical devices and consumer electronics
2014 - 2018
2014 - 2018
Development Consultant
Porting and integrating existing applications into the Eclipse framework
2007 - 2011
Development Consultant
Online Programmierung GmbH
Further development of a comprehensive network and file management software for the mainframe BS 2000 and Unix derivatives. Further development of a comprehensive text, hex and binary editor for Dos, Windows and Unix
2007 - 2011
2004 - 2007
CEO / CTO / Founder
Development of complex computer games and other consumer entertainment products for PC and console.
2006 - 2007
Research & Development Specialist
Project management, development of software for different mechatronic systems
2006 - 2007
2001 - 2006
Technische Universität München
Gradiation with Diploma